Friday, March 25, 2011

march meeting. hands on macro

Here we are in March~ this monthly meeting focused our attention to macro photography.   Flowers and camera's filled the room of the library.   Together we had fun while we clicked away.

Macro is not my strong suit, but there are some in the group that really know what they are doing.  One member has created a macro lens from PVC pipe.  Yes, you heard me correctly.  I don't really understand it that well~ but it works. ;)  Who knew... down the plumbing isle you could find your next lens.   {necessity is the mother of all invention}

Thank you to all member who sent some photographs my way for this blog post!

Nolan Day
Mike Fitton
Nolan Day
Gary Drake
Gary Drake
Shannon Bos
Shannon Bos
Mike Fitton
Mike Fitton
Jillian Angermeier
Jillian Angermeier
Kendra Day
Kendra Day


  1. This was a fun night

  2. These nights separate Taber from "other" clubs.Excellent!
